Our Terms of Use

The following Terms of Use describe the contents and characteristics of all bookings of our courses and the resulting agreements, tasks and duties for students and teachers representing the Tobian Language School. (TLS)

Definition of Words and Abbreviations for Terms of Use


Following definitions are used throughout the Terms of Use to provide a better understanding of the written:

  • company: (referred to as either “the company”, “we”, “us” or “our” in the Terms of Use) refers to the Tobian Language School
  • contractor: person that makes or has an agreement with the TLS, in particular the participation in language courses
  • agreement: defines every written (and spoken) agreement with a contractor and the TLS
  • course: the booked product at the TLS; usually consists of 20 units à 60 minutes and terminates with the test and a certificate
  • lesson: one single unit of the total course describing the educational (online) meet-up of a teacher and one or more students
  • student: the person that books a course at TLS and (already) takes part in lessons. Every student is also a contractor.
  • teacher: the person that is teaching a course on behalf of TLS
  • course material: the material that is given to the students throughout the course
  • test: final examination after each course
  • certificate: the proof of the successful participation in each course

Contact Information


Responsible for all contents and at any time your partner of correspondence and contracts is the TLS represented by its managers or teachers that act on its behalf.

Tobian Language School

Owner: Tobias Woudt

Radijsstraat 24A

9741BN Groningen


We can be reached during our opening times from 09:30 to 18:00.

Tel.: 0031683277026

Whatsapp: 0031 6830681097

E-Mail: info@tobian-languageschool.com

Web: www.tobian-languageschool.com



Dutch law is exclusively applicable to each Agreement between TLS and the contractor, even if the contracting party resides or is established outside the Netherlands.

The terms of use apply to all products offered by the TLS, respectively the language courses. Placing an order means that the contractor accepts the applicability of these Terms of Use, the contractor agrees to this during the booking process. Any deviation is necessary to be agreed on written by the TLS and the contractor. The Terms of Use might be changed without any notification by the TLS. The Terms of Use apply to any already existing agreement between a contractor and the TLS.

The Terms of Use will be transparent and downloadable trough the booking process, so that the contractor has the insight and the possibility to store it before making the agreement. If this is not reasonably possible, before the booking is processed, it will clearly be indicated where the Terms of Use can be inspected electronically and that they will be sent without charge electronically or in another manner at the request of the contractor.

Offer of the Online Language Courses


1. Online Language Courses

The concrete product offered by the TLS are online language courses that consist out of 20 lessons à 60 minutes over Zoom or a similar video communication software plus the usage of the provided course materials. Each course starts with the first lesson and ends with the (un)successful termination of the test. The time period of a course depends on the individual communication with the teacher but shall not be longer than 3 months from the start. Any exceed of this period has to be indicated by the student to the teacher who report to the TLS afterwards. The exact scheduling of lessons is arranged individually be the teacher and the student(s). This includes the freedom of scheduling lessons on the weekend as well as on public holidays if it fits the availability of both teacher and students.

TLS is using the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is an international standard for describing language ability. It describes language ability on a six-point scale, from A1 for beginners, up to C2 for those who have mastered a language. Respectively all levels are part of our language course offer.

The courses are offered as

  • private: in every lesson there’s one student and one teacher
  • in Groups: in every lesson there are up to three students and one teacher

2. Language Offer and Prices

The exact course offer includes all languages, that are indicated on our website under https://tobian-languageschool.com/courses/. The same goes for the given prices. Although frequently updated by TLS, it might be the rare case that wrong information is displayed on the website. No rights can be derived from information displayed. In this rare case, we are sorry for the inconvenience and will notify the contractor as soon as possible after the booking.

Prices are always stated in euros. There is usually no VAT charged on courses. If there is a VAT on any course, it will be stated on the booking page of the relevant course.

3. Materials

Throughout the course there are materials handed out to the student in an electronical form that reproduce the course content and are sufficient and mandatory for a successful termination of the course in a matter of a profound self-preparation.

4. Technical Requirements

As all courses are taking place online, the student will need a computer with a functional camera, microphone and a stable internet connection. It is the responsibility of every student to check the mentioned before every course. If a course cannot take place due to the failure of providing the above, the full charge of the course is due. 


Booking Process

A booking for a course can be proceeded both online and offline. Our online presents include our website over the booking form as well as social media profiles like Facebook or Instagram.

An agreement takes place through two concordant confirmations of the contractor and the TLS. Once the confirmation e-Mail is sent to the contractor the booking process is fulfilled and the agreement is established.



At the time of the sign-up to a course or any other product offered by TLS, an agreement is concluded at the time of acceptance. Our Terms of Use relate to all agreements that are concluded in this way. The obligation of paying the course follows from an agreement.  Each agreement is confirmed by the confirmation e-Mail which is send by TLS to the customer after the termination of the booking process.

Each product for the corresponding price applicates for one person. Hence, the contractor is not allowed to let other people directly benefit from the course. In particularly this means the unpaid participation of friends or family in a lesson.


Payment conditions

The contractor is obliged to pay the outstanding amount within 7 days after receiving the invoice for the booked course. The invoice is usually sent out within 14 days after the booking, but latest with the certification after finishing the course.

The possible payment options will be indicated in the payment request and will consider your country and possible transaction fees. All costs, both extrajudicial and judicial (including costs for legal assistance), which arise for TLS to receive the payment of the contractor, will be passed on to the contractor. The same goes for transaction fees for a payment service which is not provided by TLS but requested by the contractor.

Cancelation and Change Policy

1. Before the start of the course

Each course can be canceled by the student in a written form without stating reasons, preferably by e-mail to info@tobian-languageschool.com, up to 7 days before the official scheduled start of the course.

Within 2 days (48 hours) before the first lessons, the course cannot be canceled at the request of the contractor. Should the contractor still wish to cancel the course, the full price is charged and no refund will be granted.

2. While the course

Should at any time the student feels to cancel the course for personal reasons, the full price will be charged if not yet happened.

If the failure of a course is assigned to the teacher or the TLS itself, TLS will take responsibly of a suitable compensation to the student. Also, TLS has the right to cancel a course at any time without stating a reason. In this case, the student will be granted a full refund for all lessons that did not take part until the time of cancelation.

3. Lessons and No-Show-Policy

Each lesson’s date is scheduled in communication between the student and the teacher in good time. Any lesson can be canceled respectively shifted to another date by either one party within at least 1 day in advance. If the lesson is shifted within 24 hours before its start, half the price of the lesson has to be paid. If the student still wishes to cancel, the teacher has the right to request an extra-fee from TLS which will be passed on to the student.

If a student doesn’t show up until 15 minutes after the scheduled date of the lesson, the teacher has the right to cancel the lesson. In this case, the full charge for the course has to be paid by the student. It lies in the goodwill of the teacher to schedule another lesson without or with little extra cost. TLS does not naturally interfere in this process.

If the teacher doesn’t show up in time or if there are any other problems or questions regarding No-Shows to lessons, we ask the student to immediately report to our E-Mail info@tobian-languageschool.com. All issues reported later than 7 days after the concerned lesson will not be taken into consideration.

Force majeure

In the event of force majeure, an already scheduled lesson will be shifted to another date. Force majeure is understood to mean any circumstance beyond the control of TLS that permanently or temporarily prevents TLS or the teachers acting on its behalf of delivering their performance.


If a student is not satisfied with a particular lesson, teacher or the overall course offer of TLS, he or she is supposed to report this issue as soon as possible via e-Mail to info@tobian-languageschool.com, so that TLS can take suitable action. Complaints regarding lessons that are submitted longer than seven days after the last course won’t be considered.

General Code of Conduct and Expectation

TLS and all the teachers and managers acting on behalf of TLS comply to a general code of conduct and expectation within the scope of the language courses and any interference outside of it.

We expect our students to be polite, motivated to learn and considerate in their way of interaction. Of course, this also includes the denial of any forms of discrimination, hatred, insulting and violence.

With the agreement, each student complies with these rules. Any disregard of the code of conduct will be reported to TLS, examined and might result in the cancelation of the course with exclusion of the student. In this case, no fees will be refunded and outstanding payments out of the previous agreement are fully due.

Intellectual property and copyrights

All rights are reserved on the (trade) names, logos, (website) design, social media, course program and materials of TLS.

TLS reserves the rights and powers it is entitled to under the Copyright Act.

None of the provided learning and materials course materials shall be reproduced by the contractor without prior notification and written consent through TLS.

If a contractor does not comply with the foregoing, a fine of 300,00 € per copy or other form of reproduction or publication will be imposed on the contractor and/ or the person in charge. If the damage turns out to be bigger, TLS reserves the right to claim a higher compensation. This does not exclude prosecution in law.


The liability of the TLS is in every case limited to a maximum of the total that is stated in the invoice of the course and which is paid by the contractor.

TLS is not responsible and not liable for any instruments or materials purchased from third parties by the TLS.

All provided course and study materials have been carefully examined by TLS before handing out. However, there still might be wrong information. In this case, TLS is in no way liable for the damage that resulted in whatever nature from this incorrect information, unless there is intent or deliberate recklessness on the part of the TLS.

Personal Data and Privacy Regulation

To process the bookings of courses, TLS has to process various forms of personal data of the contractors and students. TLS guarantees for the trustful and responsible handling of this data according to the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation. (AVG)

More about data processing and privacy rights can be found in detail on our page Data and privacy regulation.

Severability clause

Should individual provisions of the Terms of Use become invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining contents.


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